After graduating from Turing School of Backend Engineering, I had a unique opportunity to manage a hotel and had enough time to sharpen my coding skills. I realized when using the franchise hotel reservation system, it was convoluted and was not visually appealing at all. My passion project, HotelPro, is an application which will help hoteliers easily manage their property with a seamless check-in checkout function – this is the minimum viable product. I plan to add more features and I’m so excited to embark on this journey!
I’m using Ruby on Rails and have created the following models with relations:
HotelPro Database Design
For managing this project, I’m using Github Projects with tickets and user stories that help me stay on track. I’ve implemented CICD so I can make sure that tests are passing, and down the line, collaborators will be on the same page while creating features.
I’ve been speaking with hoteliers near me and a big demand is a system that would help with housekeeping. Housekeeping is the soul of the hotel and creating a service that would easily track room details and convert it into maintenance tickets would be a great start. Till then, I will concentrate on the MVP and will keep my dialogue and mind open to ideas.
My next goal is to get the check-in checkout process seamless using Hotwire and tie all of the models into the dashboard. I also want to re-design the app with TailwindCSS.
Join me in a series of blog posts that will detail my experiences and explore various concepts in programming - I would love to hear your input!